Dec 11, 2012

Zombicide! Tie Guy Zombie (Walkers IV)

Hello all,
Almost at the end of the different zombies from Zombicide! I couldn't come up with a fancy name for this particular zombie but he is a classic shambling zombie.

Verdict: Perhaps the weakest of the sculpts. A bit too non-descript (which is also something of a good thing as you do not really notice it is the same mini once they are painted differently) and without any 'fun' details. The hands also suffer from the 'zombicide!'-syndrome and are poorly defined. Otherwise a quick paint job.

Zombicide! Information:The zombies are divided into four classes; Walkers (your average slow moving, easy to kill zombie although they spawn by the million), Runners (quick and semi intelligent, most likely candidate to destroy your Survivor), Fatties (Huge bloated master zombies - hard to kill at first but halfway through the game you'll fear the runners more) and finally the Abomination (the super-zombie-tank-destroyer-type zombie).
In each tray there is two types of Runner (8 total), five different models of Walker (20 total) and one fatty (4 copies) so each tray holds 32 zombies, while the abomination gets his own little tray - he would probably just eat the other zombies otherwise. (So I got 96 zombies, two Abominations and nine survivors in the initial Kickstarter pack - that's a lot of zombies!).

Stay tuned for the rest of the zombies!

All the best,

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