Mar 31, 2014

100.000 visitors = An Apocalyptic Final Stand (eye-candy galore)!

Hello all,
It seems the number of visitors to this zombierific blog crept above the magic number 100.000 during the weekend. I really want to thank each and everyone, but as that would take quite a while, I've decided this would be an appropriate moment to lineup all the zombies and survivors from the Zombicide game I've painted so far. Think of it as a photo-apocalyptic-thank-you from me to you :-).

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
The survivors prepare for a last, desperate last stand

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
Led by Nick and the old gang, each survivor has stocked up on weapons and prepares to unleash hell

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
Led by the zombie dogz and runners the zombies rapidly approach the survivors

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
Even the Zombie Dogz can be heard gorwling *BRAINZZ*

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
More than a dozen runners is a bad, bad sight

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
A sizeable group of fatties lumber towards the survivors, intent on feating tonight

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
On the survivors' right is a small contingent of the new and terrifying Toxic Zombies

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
The kids (from Hasslefree) are kept in reserve, although they are fully able to kick some Zombie-a**

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
The slightly weird, tutu-wearing uncle Ed prepares to stop the zombies from getting to the children and women

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
The unstoppable horde

Zombicide, Zombies, all, painted, survivors, apocalyptic,
Runners galore
How will it all end? No idea, but thanks for stopping by, commenting and following this blog. I really apprecaite it and doubt I would have gotten through half the zombies without having this blog to showcase and keep my spirits up.

All the best,


  1. Congratulations Kasper.
    That's a massive milestone, well done sir. Loving the horde shots, looks like game over man. Have you counted how many zombies you've painted?

    1. Thanks Bob - I'll count them next time we get a game going!

  2. Many congratulations on such an impressive achievement, Kasper.

    1. Thanks Vampifan and to you too - five years active blogging is quite impressive!

  3. An impressive collection of both, survivors and zombies - the will have a hard stand.
    Wow, I have bougth the Kickstarter and hoping to do some painting this summer.
    Btw, your A.H. zombie is more cruelsome then the othere - I always thought he is dead!


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